We all warmly welcome You...

Is this your first time going on this site? Well, don't worry. We are all friendly here. Unless, someone adds a Cake. Your interest in here is very needed so I can gather more essence and be encourage to complete more of the incomplete stories and words.

This site is administered by... Nightwatcher and Ruhaddani (BMA).

This is Shards of Ravage, a website dedicated to make Series of Shards of Ravage stories for you enjoyment. Mind you that we will no longer be placing the walkthrough commentary here, nor the mods, we will be porting them into Blogger soon.

-Shards of Ravage

Administrator infos:

1.) Nightwatcher does most of all the stuff. Since this site was born, he nourished and kept the site growing. Sadly, he does not care about money or any payment, but, with all of his work, he only gains maybe a member every 2 months. If you are about to continue reading, thank you then, so, if you are not actually interested at all of these, please don't leave anonymously, rate the site whatever you want, for there are no site-view counter in here, thank you and have a good day/Night.

2.) Ruhaddani (BMA) is Nightwatcher's literally, geographically far friend. But at heart, we are close as the two holes of the nose (nostrils). He is very effective in doing most of the task I give him. I even think he sacrifices the sake of his college for just visiting this site. A very true friend :D

Forum Rules


GOLDEN RULE: Of course, you should first follow Spiderweb Forums main "Code of Conduct" In order to follow the current rules here...

As long as you behave properly, you will be fine. Do not act like you were from 4chan, just don't, and doing it for the lulz is not allowed here.



Do you want modship? YES YOU DO!!! Here are the requirements before you are applied to "The Test of Testing skills to put forth in the Test".

"The Test of Testing skills to put forth in the Test"

1.) Post counts more than 200+

2.) Actively posting: meaning, not less than thrice a week

3.) Only used (harmful ones) swearing ONCE

4.) Has NEVER posted Spam (Derailment)

5.) Is capable of speaking politely and gently to other members


If you have these requirements, feel free to message a moderator (or other moderators). You will be given a job of about 5 months. If you reach points below 80%, sorry, but you will fail, although, instead, you can have a single custom title as a reward for trying. But, that custom title can be changed ONCE. This is pretty clear, also for those who are only after the custom titles, you still need to do effort. :P

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